Latest Episodes
2024 year in review and plans for 2025
In this episode, Adam and Ben sit down to reflect on how things went in 2024 in their business and personal lives and talk about their plans for 2025.

Catching up
Adam and Ben are back on the mics after nine months to give an update on their lives.TimestampsLinksAdam on XBen on X

Hiring for tiny teams with Justin Jackson
Adam just wrapped up a big hiring project at Tailwind Labs, adding both a new engineer and a new designer to the team. In this episode he talks through the process wit...

Ben steps away from Tuple
After almost six years, Ben has stepped away from day-to-day work on Tuple and moved to its board. Friend of the pod Aaron Francis interviews Ben about the whole beaut...

Building the HEY Calendar with Jason Fried
37signals have talked a lot about how they build new features for existing products using Shape Up, where they carefully hammer the scope to avoid letting anything eve...